About the Course
You want things to be different. You want to feel better. It’s not for lack of trying. There are so many ‘shoulds’ and ‘have tos’ they make your head spin. Yet changing never sticks. Or it's not really something that matters to you. The old patterns persist.
Getting to the roots of your dilemma, let’s accept that the focus is on what to DO, what not DO. If it was easy to change a 'DO', you’d already be DOing it!
Many experts and helping systems have overlooked a key contributing factor – that your internal biocomputer has developed algorithms dependent on that DO that you're also told 'should' be different.
All is not lost; your biocomputer doesn't have to stay stuck with it. The change you seek DOES take a route into the biocomputer. When you discover and understand the hooks hidden in your nervous system, opening a new pathway for change comes naturally.
This Program is For You, If:
Your current self-help, coaching, or therapy approach isn’t getting traction.
You are turned off by conventional approaches to behavior change and want to jump straight to the roots.
Your attempts to help others are backfiring, possibly making things worse.
Your current solutions for stress management or pain management are creating new problems.
You’re tired of needing others to change so you can feel better.
You and your partner want new language to tease apart the pattern between you.
Meet weekly for 8 weeks
60-minute sessions
Live – new understanding takes interaction with the information
Online and In-person (Wayzata and Big Lake, MN)
Recording of online presentation available for one week to cover scheduling conflicts.
Cost: $75 for the 8-week program
You will learn:
Expanded understanding of the inseparable, multiple functions of the nervous system.
The connection between external triggers and internal dynamics.
The root contributions of the nervous system that affect you physical, emotional, and relational issues simultaneously.
The complications of having one nervous system with two priorities.
How to Identify an essential action step that is meaningful to you.
Weekly Topics:
1: Overview of your nervous system – a body and brain system
See your system
Connect the nervous system to your stuckness and spinning
2: Two primary functions: vitality and survival
Assess your fluidity between functions
3: Autonomics
Parts of the autonomic nervous system
Vitality/Growth and Survival modes
4: Autopilots and false alarms that keep you tangled in survival
Common reactive autopilot patterns
Common proactive autopilot patterns
Appreciation and acceptance are essential – it was survival!
5: Explore developmental factors that led to tangles.
Identify implications in relating and parenting
6: Q&A
New understanding of you is essential for effective next steps
7: Options for resolution, restoring predominance of vitality
8: Identifying your essential next step
What this is not:
Telling you your solution.
I believe in empowering and educating you in understanding and problem-solving.
Band-aid or quick fix.
There is an abundance of that available. I believe they are contributing to the increases in ‘stress’ and ‘mental health issues’ because they fail to get to the root contributions like nervous system functioning.
Judgmental of where you are and how you are handling things.
I believe we all are doing the best we can with what we know and how our hidden hooks function today.
And there is much information about human functioning that is kept unshared.
Further dependence on societal systems.
I believe you deserve to be the expert of you.
Many societal systems (healthcare, education, government) are overstepping on ‘having the answer’ for you, challenged to accept new information themselves. It’s natural given human dynamics. AND it doesn’t have to stay that way.

Your Facilitator
Shelly Melroe
Hi, I’m Shelly Melroe. At my core, I am a lifelong learner and problem solver. This program was born with the intention to address gaps in mental health and stress management industries that keep people blind to a deeper understanding of themselves, keeping them stuck in the limiting beliefs and dependence on ‘the system.’ The system isn’t bad or wrong; it’s natural for them to get stuck. Just like you! Humans are humans no matter who they are.
I have spent the past seven years understanding the root contributions of mental health ‘disorders’ applying rigorous problem-solving methods from prior decades of corporate and consulting change leadership work. The more I learn about the root causes of what ails us, my passion burns to bring effective change that improves the health of the mental healthcare system as well as the individuals using it.
I invite you to come learn, explore, and be curious about what new pathways of wellness might open for you when you have new understanding. Be the expert of you!